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Is It Now a Days or Nowadays?

The adverb "nowadays" refers to the current time or in comparison with the past. Some people mistakenly write "now a days" with spaces, but this is incorrect and should be avoided. Variants such as "now-a-days," "now days," "nowdays," and "nowaday" are also incorrect.

Examples of Now a days and nowadays in a sentence

  • Now a days, it's hard to find a job without a college degree.
  • Nowadays, social media has become a major part of people's daily lives.
  • Nowadays, many people work remotely from home.
  • Now a days, people rely heavily on their smartphones for communication.

How to use “nowadays” in a sentence?

Nowadays is an adverb that denotes the current time and is often used to compare the present with the past. If used at the beginning of a sentence, it is followed by a comma.

Examples of Nowadays in a sentence

  • Nowadays, people rely heavily on technology for communication.
  • Nowadays, it is common for companies to have a remote workforce.
  • Nowadays, many people are interested in sustainable living practices.


In academic writing, it is advisable to avoid using the term "nowadays" as it is considered vague. It is better to specify a more specific time period, such as "since 2018."

Frequently asked questions

1. What is a synonym for nowadays?

Some synonyms for nowadays include:

  • Currently
  • Presently
  • At present
  • Today
  • These days
  • In the modern era
  • In the contemporary period

2. Is nowadays a word?

The adverb nowadays means "at present" or "in comparison with the past," and it's always written as one word, not as "now a days."